Tag Archives: east asian medicine

How does acupuncture approach healthcare?

Acupuncture and East Asian medicine provides a valuable addition to your healthcare routine. Many patients try it for the first time due to pain that won’t resolve, or because a friend recommended it. Not knowing what to expect, patients are often surprised that acupuncture can treat a wide variety of health concerns, and is a […]

The Joy of Cupping And The 2016 Olympics

I am overjoyed to see the mainstream media buzzing with discussions about cupping therapy and the telltale marks sported by many of the 2016 Olympic athletes. These marks are called ‘sha’ in East Asian medicine. They are not actually bruises as many would like to call them, but I’ll explain that in a moment. This […]

An overview of acupuncture meridians

  I love East Asian medicine because of the rich understanding it has of the human body. Each human being is treated purely as an individual. Even if five people have acid reflux, they could all have a different underlying reason that causes the acid reflux. Each person in this example needs a different, individualized […]

Big decisions, Little decisions

I apologize for my impromptu hiatus from blogging. Two months ago, I was given the great opportunity to expand my private practice and to add a fantastic licensed massage practitioner, Tyhra Owen, to our clinic. The act of expanding a private practice, renovating a new office space, and moving an existing office to a new space created […]

Balsamic Beet Salad Recipe

Balsamic Beet Salad Recipe Ingredients: 9 small beets 6 green onions 1 bunch/head cilantro 2-3 T balsamic vinegar 2 T olive oil 1/4 tsp ground pepper pinch of salt (optional, I often omit the salt) Directions: Chop the greens and the root tails off of the beets, and peel them. If you don’t want your […]

Exercise According to Yin And Yang

Winter is a time of rest and internal cultivation in Chinese medicine. In a previous post, I discussed why winter is an important time to rest and regenerate from the rest of the year. You can read more about that here: https://stickoutyourtongue.org/2013/12/11/winter-the-season-of-the-kidneys/ Rest does not mean a cessation of exercise. Physical movement is still a very […]

Winter: The Season of the Kidneys

Winter weather is settling in here in Walla Walla, WA. As we bundle up and cuddle up in the evenings, it reminds me that winter represents a very important season in Chinese and East Asian medicine. Each season has strong ties to specific organ systems and acupuncture meridians in East Asian medicine. The way we adjust […]

A Guide to Autumn Foods to Improve Health- an East Asian Medicine Perspective

To my dear readers, I apologize for my blogging hiatus. I am happy to announce that my husband and I bought a house, moved, and have had a handful of other positive stressors during the month of October. I needed a bit more balance in my life, hence the blogging break. But now I am […]

The Domino Effect Of Heartburn Medications

If I asked you to trade me your heartburn symptoms for bone density loss, possible infection, and vitamin deficiencies, would you? Long-term use of acid reflux medications, known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), have dangerous side effects. To fully understand how PPIs create this domino effect of ill health, we have to look at the […]

Recipes To Keep You Cool In The Summer

In Chinese medicine, each season corresponds to a color, an organ system, and a flavor.  Since each season brings different weather patterns, temperatures, and amount of sunlight, they predispose us to certain health imbalances.  In summer, we have to protect ourselves from overheating, getting sunstroke, getting headaches from dehydration, and possibly fighting irritability from either […]