Tag Archives: indigestion

Apples Galore!

It’s that time, the great season of the apple reigns supreme! In the day and age of produce being available year-round against the grain of seasonality, the beauty of a fresh and humble apple in Fall can be lost. But who can deny the lovely, crisp, dewy flavor of a fresh apple picked in the […]

What You Need to Know About Acid Reflux

Why do some people suffer from acid reflux? 1) Too little stomach acid- AKA hypochlorhydria Ironically, given the high use of heartburn medication that reduce stomach acid, one of the main causes of acid reflux is low stomach acid, called hypochlorhydria. When someone suffers from low stomach acid, a few things happen that can lead to acid reflux. […]

The Domino Effect Of Heartburn Medications

If I asked you to trade me your heartburn symptoms for bone density loss, possible infection, and vitamin deficiencies, would you? Long-term use of acid reflux medications, known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), have dangerous side effects. To fully understand how PPIs create this domino effect of ill health, we have to look at the […]