Tag Archives: Acupuncture

What Does a Virtual Appointment (Telehealth) Look Like?

Hello Everyone! I have been navigating the abrupt change in moving my clinical practice to the virtual world. In the past few weeks, I have learned at least 8 new computer programs, and how to navigate more apps than I can count. At times it has been exciting to learn new skills, and others, truly […]

Sound Healing in Chinese Medicine: Tuning Forks

Sound in Chinese medicine is a potent healing modality. The vibration created with sound can be used therapeutically to treat pain. Tuning forks are tools that create sound and vibration. Acupuncture points (or acupoints) reside on the meridian channels of the body. Tuning forks can be placed on the acupoint locations,transferring these vibrational frequencies to […]

Listen To Your Garden: Winter is a Disco Nap.

Many of us struggle to maintain good spirits at this time of year. We feel tired, unmotivated, and anti-social, and we feel like something is wrong with us for feeling that way. Advertising and social media give the impression that everyone else is living in the glow of holiday cheer while we are hiding at […]

6 Ways to Make your Acupuncture Treatments More Effective

1. Have a Movement Practice Whether it is working out at the gym or swimming in the ocean, having some sort of movement practice regularly woven through your regular routine is not only good for your health, it can make therapeutic treatments more effective. Movement is something that brings our awareness out of our busy […]


I’m often asked about the safety, efficacy, and benefit of using Chinese herbal medicine. Chinese herbal medicine maintains a historical longevity beyond most practices of herbal medicine. Chinese herbalism is older than the practice of acupuncture–over 2000 years. It is also one of the few herbal practices that did not receive persecution until the Cultural Revolution […]

How does acupuncture approach healthcare?

Acupuncture and East Asian medicine provides a valuable addition to your healthcare routine. Many patients try it for the first time due to pain that won’t resolve, or because a friend recommended it. Not knowing what to expect, patients are often surprised that acupuncture can treat a wide variety of health concerns, and is a […]

Heavy Menses Help With Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are exceptional alternatives to regulating your cycle naturally. The history of the medicine has always placed women’s health as a high priority in medical care. Now this doesn’t really come from an altruistic place, but thousands of years ago, when China was looking to try to expand their territory, they realized […]

Reduce Springtime Mood Swings With These Dietary Tidbits

Early spring is known for remarkable shifts in weather. One minute it could be a brilliant, mild sunny day, and a moment later winds drive in a hail storm that last for only 20 minutes. Some spring days will take you on an adventure through all four seasons in a 24 hour cycle. This is […]

Depression: A complex condition worth looking at the big picture

The experience of depression is a complicated and highly individualized experience. Over the years, I’ve seen a number of articles (both research and non-research), blog posts, and opinion pieces on the main solution to or cause of depression. Most of these articles and research pieces capture one piece of the puzzle, but inadequately address the […]

Postpartum Depression: How Acupuncture Can Help

One of the things I wish we talked about more openly is that many women struggle with postpartum depression. It is common. I hope that we can all agree that there is no shame in experiencing it. There are many ways to get help with postpartum depression. In acupuncture, there are a few indicators pre-delivery […]