Tag Archives: Digestion

Spleen Rehab

With every passing year, there is more scientific literature on the connection between the gut and seemingly unrelated organ systems. There’s the gut-brain connection, the gut-pain connection, and the relationship between immunity and gut health. For example, did you know the majority of serotonin (the “feel good” chemical) production comes from your gut? What that […]

Apples Galore!

It’s that time, the great season of the apple reigns supreme! In the day and age of produce being available year-round against the grain of seasonality, the beauty of a fresh and humble apple in Fall can be lost. But who can deny the lovely, crisp, dewy flavor of a fresh apple picked in the […]

The Earth Pair: the Stomach and Spleen/pancreas Meridians

The Earth Yin-Yang Pair:  The Spleen/Pancreas and the Stomach  *note: the Spleen in Chinese medicine is responsible for the tasks of both the pancreas and the spleen as we know them in Western science. Some think it was mistranslated as spleen, but the roles attributed to the ‘Spleen organ’ truly encompass both the pancreas’ and […]

Simple Mushroom Thyme Soup

The last two weeks, my husband and I ended up buying way too many mushrooms in our fridge. Maybe it was miscommunication, or maybe it was fate leading me to create this soup. Please forgive the lack of photographs- a technical error lead to the loss of all but the two featured images. The next time […]

Versatile Roasted Veggies: Three Recipes to Spice Up Your Roasted Veg

In an effort to make a as many meals in one cooking push as possible, I started playing around with roasting up a medley of vegetables on a Sunday, and doctoring up the leftover throughout the week. If you roast your vegetables with minimal seasoning, you can make three very different meals from your veggies […]

What You Need to Know About Acid Reflux

Why do some people suffer from acid reflux? 1) Too little stomach acid- AKA hypochlorhydria Ironically, given the high use of heartburn medication that reduce stomach acid, one of the main causes of acid reflux is low stomach acid, called hypochlorhydria. When someone suffers from low stomach acid, a few things happen that can lead to acid reflux. […]

Want a strong digestive system? Food preparation is considered key.

One of the most controversial topics in my clinic is the discussion of diet and food preparation. Not only is food very literally considered medicine in East Asian medicine, but food preparation is key. In East Asian medicine, every food item has a property such as damp, astringent, drying, and moistening. They also have a […]

The Domino Effect Of Heartburn Medications

If I asked you to trade me your heartburn symptoms for bone density loss, possible infection, and vitamin deficiencies, would you? Long-term use of acid reflux medications, known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), have dangerous side effects. To fully understand how PPIs create this domino effect of ill health, we have to look at the […]